George Lucas Educational Foundation
Photo collage of students in playful learning classrooms
© George Lucas Educational Foundation
Play & Recess

Making Learning More Playful

In this series, we showcase five schools that are taking innovative—and practical—approaches to play-based learning, and share compelling evidence that learning through play benefits students of all ages.

March 24, 2023

While it’s commonly accepted that play is the foundation of learning in early childhood education, space for active, hands-on play tends to dwindle as children progress up through the grades. Yet research shows that when kids are engaged in meaningful, play-based activities, their brains are more open to all kinds of learning. 

What does it look like when schools commit to joyful, child-centered learning that includes play all the way up through eighth grade, or even high school? Edutopia has been visiting schools around the world that make play central to their pedagogy, as part of our effort to uncover evidence-based strategies that any teacher can adopt to drive more creativity, more student agency, and better academic outcomes for their learners. 

Bookmark this page for many more videos in the coming weeks.  

Edutopia developed the Making Learning More Playful series with support from The LEGO Foundation

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George Lucas Educational Foundation

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